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This function creates a SpatSimObj for spatial simulations. The object contains information about the simulation window, the number of simulations to perform, and lists of cells, Tissue1/Tissue2, holes, and spatial files.


CreateSimulationObject(window = NULL, sims = NULL, cell_types = 1)



An object of class owin representing the simulation window. If NULL, defaults to a rectangular window of size (0,10) in both x and y directions.


The number of simulations to perform. If NULL or l ess than 1, defaults to 3.


The number of cell types. Defaults to 1.


A SpatSimObj containing the simulation window, the number of simulations to perform, and lists of cells, Tissue1/Tissue2, holes, and spatial files.


The simulation window is represented by an object of class owin, which specifies the extent and shape of the spatial domain in which the simulations will be performed. If no window is provided, the function creates a rectangular window of size (0,10) in both x and y directions.

The sims argument specifies the number of simulations to perform. If it is set to NULL or less than 1, the function defaults to 3.

The cell_types argument specifies the number of cell types to include in the simulation. By default, the function creates a single cell type, represented by an object of class Cell.

The SpatSimObj is composed of the following classes:

  • A Window object of class owin.

  • An integer Sims specifying the number of simulations to perform.

  • A list of Cells of class Cell.

  • A Tissue object of class Tissue1/Tissue2, representing the Tissue1/Tissue2 components of the simulation.

  • A Holes object of class Holes, representing holes in the simulation.

  • A list of Spatial Files containing any spatial data associated with the simulation.


#> No `window` specified - defaulting to x (0, 10); y (0, 10)
#> Spatial Simulation object for 3 simulated images. Currently, there are:
#> 	Window: x (0,10); y (0,10)
#> 	0 spatial point patterns
#> 	0 tissue kernels
#> 	0 hole kernels
#> 	0 cell kernels for 1 cell types