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This function generates a simulated tissue using a specified number of clusters and spatial parameters for each pattern in the simulation object. The tissue is represented by a grid of points with probabilities of belonging to tissue 1 or tissue 2, based on a Gaussian kernel density estimate calculated for each pattern


  k = NA,
  xmin = NA,
  xmax = NA,
  ymin = NA,
  ymax = NA,
  sdmin = 1/2,
  sdmax = 2,
  force = FALSE,
  density_heatmap = FALSE,
  step_size = 1,
  cores = 1,
  overwrite = FALSE,
  use_window = FALSE



A SpatSimObj created with CreateSimulationObject.


Number of clusters to generate for each pattern


Minimum x-coordinate for cluster centers.


Maximum x-coordinate for cluster centers.


Minimum y-coordinate for cluster centers.


Maximum y-coordinate for cluster centers.


Minimum standard deviation for cluster kernels.


Maximum standard deviation for cluster kernels.


Logical, whether to force generation of tissue even if the generated cluster centers would fall outside the simulation window. If FALSE, an error will be thrown if cluster centers are outside the window.


Logical, whether to calculate a density heatmap for the simulated tissue. If TRUE, a grid of points will be generated covering the entire simulation window, and the probability of each grid point belonging to tissue 1 will be calculated based on the generated tissue probability.


Grid step size for the density heatmap.


Number of cores to use for parallel processing of density calculations.


boolean whether to overwrite if tissue kernels already exist


boolean whether to use the simulation window to set x and y limits


A modified 'Spatial Simulation Object' with updated tissue grids and assigned tissue types for each simulated pattern.


This function generates a simulated tissue for each pattern in the simulation object by first generating k clusters within the specified x and y ranges and with a standard deviation within the specified range. Then, a Gaussian kernel density estimate is calculated for each pattern using the generated clusters as center points and the specified standard deviation as kernel size. The density estimates represent the probability of each point in the simulation window belonging to tissue 1 or tissue 2. If density_heatmap = TRUE, a density heatmap will be calculated using a grid of points covering the entire simulation window. Finally, for each simulated point, the probability of belonging to tissue 1 is calculated based on the kernel density estimate, and the tissue type is assigned with probability proportional to the probability of belonging to tissue 1.


# Create a simulation object with a window and point pattern
sim_object <- CreateSimulationObject()
#> No `window` specified - defaulting to x (0, 10); y (0, 10)

#simulate points
sim_object <- GenerateSpatialPattern(sim_object, lambda = 20)

# Generate tissue with default parameters
sim_object <- GenerateTissue(sim_object)
#> Computing tissue probability
  |                                                              |   0%, ETA NA
  |====================                                       |  33%, ETA 00:02
  |=======================================                    |  67%, ETA 00:01
  |=======================================================| 100%, Elapsed 00:02