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Generate Characteristic Distributions of Cells


  positive_mean = 10,
  negative_mean = 2,
  positive_sd = 2,
  negative_sd = 1



object of either class list or data.frame. Can be created from SpatSimObj with CreateSpatialList

positive_mean, negative_mean

number for mean of which to center the distribution of the positive and negative cell types. Can be single number of vector with length matching number of Cells.

positive_sd, negative_sd

number for the standard deviation around the positive cell type mean. Can be single value or same length as number of Cells.


object with a class that is the same as input spatial_data with new columns containing distributions for positive/negative assigned cells


#create simulation object
spatial_data = CreateSimulationObject(sims = 1, cell_types = 1) %>%
  #produce the point pattern
  GenerateSpatialPattern() %>%
  #make tissues
  GenerateTissue(density_heatmap = FALSE, step_size = 0.1, cores = 1) %>%
  #create positive and negative cells
  GenerateCellPositivity(k = 4, sdmin = 3, sdmax = 5,
  density_heatmap = FALSE, step_size = 1, cores = 1, probs = c(0.0, 0.1), shift = 0) %>%
  #convert to a list of spatial data frames
  CreateSpatialList(single_df = FALSE)
#> No `window` specified - defaulting to x (0, 10); y (0, 10)
#> Computing tissue probability
  |                                                              |   0%, ETA NA
  |=======================================================| 100%, Elapsed 00:02
#> Computing probability for Cell 1
  |                                                              |   0%, ETA NA
  |=======================================================| 100%, Elapsed 00:01
  |                                                              |   0%, ETA NA
  |=======================================================| 100%, Elapsed 00:00
spat_data_distribution = GenerateDistributions(spatial_data)
  |                                                              |   0%, ETA NA
  |=======================================================| 100%, Elapsed 00:00