Generates a heatmap plot after computation of "pseudobulk" counts

  x = NULL,
  color_pal = "muted",
  plot_meta = NULL,
  hm_display_genes = 30



an STlist with pseudobulk counts in the @misc slot (generated by pseudobulk_samples)


a string of a color palette from khroma or RColorBrewer, or a vector of color names or HEX values. Each color represents a category in the variable specified in plot_meta


a string indicating the name of the variable in the sample metadata to annotate heatmap columns


number of genes to display in heatmap, selected based on decreasing order of standard deviation across samples


a ggplot object


Generates a heatmap of transformed "pseudobulk" counts to help in initial data exploration of differences among samples. Each column in the heatmap represents a "pseudobulk" sample. Rows are genes, with the number of genes displayed controlled by the hm_display_genes argument. This function follows after usage of pseudobulk_samples.


# Using included melanoma example (Thrane et al.)
data_files <- list.files(system.file("extdata", package="spatialGE"), recursive=T, full.names=T)
count_files <- grep("counts", data_files, value=T)
coord_files <- grep("mapping", data_files, value=T)
clin_file <- grep("thrane_clinical", data_files, value=T)
melanoma <- STlist(rnacounts=count_files[c(1:4)], spotcoords=coord_files[c(1:4)], samples=clin_file) # Only first two samples
#> Warning: Sample ST_mel3_rep1 was not found among the count/coordinate files.
#> Warning: Sample ST_mel3_rep2 was not found among the count/coordinate files.
#> Warning: Sample ST_mel4_rep1 was not found among the count/coordinate files.
#> Warning: Sample ST_mel4_rep2 was not found among the count/coordinate files.
#> Found matrix data
#> Matching gene expression and coordinate data...
#> Converting counts to sparse matrices
#> Completed STlist!
melanoma <- pseudobulk_samples(melanoma)
hm <- pseudobulk_heatmap(melanoma, plot_meta='BRAF_status', hm_display_genes=30)